I went shopping in the U.S expecting about huge sales last year. I moved around to buy something what our family need in New York city and Boston city after Christmas. I was not satisfied with shopping as much as what I anticipated. My kids complained to me that they were very tired and they didn't want to follow me. So I had to give up shopping. Unlike what I expect huge sales, the price was not reasonable. I thought the purchasing in Canada was better on sales if we considered the gas cost and the rate of exchange money. There is a Korean proverb, "there is no food in the big and famous party." That meaning may be same this phrase "For better or for worse."
I know the store to buy something very very cheap. That store is near our living area anywhere. It might be a good news to all saviors. I went there, thrift shop in my school's trip. Of course, the captain was Joseph. All stuffs are used one but if they are necessary to someone, whatever it is new one or used one, it doesn't matter. I picked up the shin guard which brand is Adidas, snow sleigh, baseball glove which is made of the leather, and some toys. If I buy all stuffs new one, I might pay more than two hundreds dollars. I paid less than ten dollar. What a real huge sales it was!
What a smart buyer you are! LOLs!